ETVDB  0.6.0
ETVDB is a tool and a library to get data from The TV Database (TVDB)

1) What is it?

ETVDB is a tool and a library to get data from The TV Database (TVDB). It is written in C and makes use of the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries and cURL.

2) File Structure

A quick overview over the files and directories here:

1 data/ - contains data used by the program
2 external/ - 3rd party libraries
3 lib/ - contains the library files

3) How to build

This is super easy:

1 mkdir BUILD/ && cd BUILD/
2 cmake .. && make && sudo make install

for a debugging build pass this to cmake: -D DEBUG=ON

The dependencies are Eina, Ecore and libcurl.

4) License

libetvdb is available under the LGPLv2.1 or any later version.

See COPYING for details.